Held next to our Involvement Fair. Two great events in one!
Why should students go?
To find a great part-time job! Campus departments and local businesses are looking to hire students. Learn more about part-time opportunities and meet the employers at their tables. Ask about Work Study positions available on campus.
Who should go?
Students of all majors and years are welcome to attend.
What should students bring?
This is a come-as-you-are event. A resume is not required, but a well-crafted resume would be a plus. You should bring information that may help you complete a job application, and your class schedule.
Who will be there?
- Local off-campus employers that offer flexible part-time employment
- On-campus departments that hire students for part-time positions (including work-study positions)
Here is the list of employers for 2024: List of 2024 Part-Time Employers & Positions
What jobs are available?
The best way to find out is to ask the employers at the event! But if you would like to see some of the positions available in advance, a link will be available here in late August.
Does this include Work Study jobs?
Yes! If you have been awarded Federal Work Study (check the Financial Aid section of your Lionpath account) then come out and meet the Penn State Abington departments that have Federal Work Study positions available.
No registration is required for students. For assistance or more information, please reach out to careers-ab@psu.edu.
Employers - interested in participating in this event? Reach out to Penn State Abington Career & Professional Development for more information at RecruitAbington@psu.edu.